Wednesday, June 25, 2014

To celebrate my new blog and thank my followers I will be giving away this beautiful fat quarter collection on July 9th, 2014.

I’ve started a blog.  It’s a forum for quilting thoughts and hopefully inspiration.  I want to invite all my friends, fellow quilters and colleagues to stop by and check it out and I welcome your comments.  It’s still a work in progress so please be kind.  As an incentive to stop by, follow my blog and comment, I will be giving away a fat quarter collection to one lucky follower, picked at random.  So make sure to follow and leave a short message so I know where to find you.  Winner will be posted July 9th, 2014. 



  1. I am a huge Fan of yours, and your quilt shop when here in MI, which is about 6 months of the yr!

    1. Thank you. Maybe I'll see one day. If so, please say Hi.

  2. As you know, I love your shop and wish you all the luck on your new blog!

  3. This sounds like a great idea! Looking forward to many interesting blogs.

  4. Thank you for the kind invitation to subscribe and read your quilting blog. I look forward to reading it.

  5. Hey Carolyn--- sounds great and I'm for sure on board with your new
    blog. Good luck with all your do.
    Sylvia Ternullo

  6. I was in your shop this weekend and love your row by row and how you gave us the idea to make it into a table runner. This blog should be great as you always have fun ideas and projects to make.

    1. Thank you and hope it will be a source of quilting inspiration.

  7. I love looking at quilts created by others. Love the transformation when
    putting different fabrics , colors and blocks together.

  8. Looking forward to reading more about your quilty thoughts and projects.

  9. So happy to hear about your blog Carolyn! You always have such great patterns and color combinations in your quilts. I love your new shop and thanks so much for the opportunity to win these beautiful fabrics!

  10. No, thank you for being a long time supporter and customer. :)

  11. This is the first blog I have ever visited, but I know it will be well worth my time ad I get MANY ideas from you and the store. Thank you for getting me into quilting.

  12. I am sorry, my post is a mess: anonymous is mr snd so is Sue

  13. Great idea!! Love the new store Carolyn!! Happy Blogging!!

  14. Look forward to the inspiration...

  15. What a gorgeous combination of colors! I've been following you on Pinterest -- I look forward to seeing more of your blog!

  16. Just read the shop newsletter & popped over to your blog. Happy blogging! Can't believe it is July already. Where does the time go?!
