The success of this mind boggling event is huge. It's nationwide not-to-mention also in Canada.
Last year, I was totally taken off guard by its success. This year we were ready for the demand. I guess the best thing is to accept it as is. Trying to figure out why something works is sometimes very frustrating.
We've talked to many people who have collected rows both this year and last. Many have confessed that they still have their row kits from last year unfinished... but they are collecting again this year. Now I am a quilter like most and I have my share of UFO's and proud of it but I guess I would like to understand why you would keep collecting these rows.
I for one have seen some absolutely gorgeous and creative kits. I love that you can pick and chose which ones you use and how you put them together. For me, it wouldn't be for the prizes, it would be for the talent that went into some of these rows. I would find other ways to use them.
What I would like to know from our customers and my readers is the following;
Are you doing anything different with your collected rows?
Is there something you feel would make this experience a better one?
Are you happy with this event as it is?
How can we as a shop make this a better experience?
The Village Quilt Shoppe, Lake Orion Michigan 2015 Row |